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Best in Finance: VP of Finance Adam Faris

Best in Finance: VP of Finance Adam Faris

May 30, 2024

Adam Faris is Family & Children’s Place’s Vice President of Finance and oversees the agency’s finance team, including all operational areas. He works with the CEO and the Board on budgeting and strategic planning measures. A significant and ongoing focus is in streamlining processes to make them as effective, consistent, and efficient as possible. Adam is also actively involved with the daily operations of the Impact V collaborative – a shared-services partnership initiative of Louisville nonprofits – that he was instrumental in helping to develop in 2018.

The financing landscape of nonprofits has changed since the beginning of our agency back in 1883, and Adam is doing his part to ensure the agency is prepared for the next 140 years. Beyond his experience with finance functions (prior to 6 years at FCP, at the Center for Women & Families for 5 years), Adam excels in supporting non-finance staff daily in facilitating the achievement of FCP’s mission and goals. Whether explaining accounting concepts in layman’s terms or putting into place creative approaches to ensure that meaningful services can be implemented, Adam’s calm demeanor and thoughtful feedback on both finance and program matters is his strength. A colleague at a sister non-profit provided this testimonial on behalf of Adam:

“I have been in the non-profit world for my whole career and Adam is by far the most ‘bilingual’ finance professional I have ever known. He speaks both the language of finance and fundraising with great fluency: a rare skill. He goes further in that he also understands what motivates the program staff. He appreciates that each side of the triangle that is finance, fund-raising, and programs must be respected and valued for success for each to occur.”

Adam has successfully guided FCP’s financial management functions, and annual government grant revenue has more than doubled since arriving at FCP. In addition to the development of new revenue sources and interagency partnership program directions such as a Head Start/Early Head Start service that began in 2020, FCP has been making strides towards a culture of accountability to funders and general grant-readiness. This is achieved by increased agency capacity, knowledge, and improved internal controls which support the ability to assure continued funding sustainability and diversity in uncertain times.

Join us in congratulating our VP of Finance Adam Faris on this incredible accomplishment!