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WHAS Crusade for Children grants $29,280 to Family & Children’s Place

July 16, 2018

Grant supports the agency’s child advocacy centers, and preventive work with new parents

The WHAS Crusade for Children, which raised $5.6 million during its 2018 telethon, has awarded $29,280 to Family & Children’s Place to support its work to stop, prevent and heal child violence, abuse, exploitation, and neglect in Louisville and Southern Indiana.

“The WHAS Crusade for Children is a true champion for children’s health and welfare in this community, and we’re very proud to again be chosen to receive these critically important funds,” said Pam Darnall, president/CEO of Family & Children’s Place.

Specifically, the WHAS Crusade for Children funds will support work at the agency’s child advocacy centers in downtown Louisville, and Southern Indiana, which provide cessation, intervention, and healing therapies for children who have endured sexual abuse.

Additionally, grant monies will be used to provide mental health counseling and a Family Support Worker for HANDS, a voluntary in-home visitation program to help new parents and their baby.

At the child advocacy centers, therapists, forensic interviewers, police, Child Protective Services, prosecutors, specialized pediatric physicians, mental health counselors, and family advocates work collaboratively to stop, investigate and prosecute child abuse and help child survivors and families heal.

Last year, CAC professionals stopped the trauma of sexual and physical abuse and provided compassionate and comprehensive care for nearly 1,300 children.

The WHAS Crusade for Children provides grants to nonprofits, schools, and hospitals that help children with special needs – physical, mental and emotional – up to age 18. The grants cover only services that directly benefit special needs children.