Visitation Room Makeover – Thanks, Delta Dental of KY!
Thank you, Delta Dental of Kentucky!
August 13, 2024
WOW! We are so thankful for the facelift to our Visitation Room! Not only do our clients love the room, but the staff team also love it too! Our staff have said that it feels a lot more home-like, feels welcoming and inviting, and has good organization.
We cannot thank Delta Dental of Kentucky enough for this gracious grant for this room. This makeover of the room felt necessary and crucial, and come to find out, our instincts were correct.
Our Visitation Room is used daily for families to come together to share a meal and play. These families are in our program for a once a week visit with their children to learn healthy parenting skills, with the hope they will one day reunify.
Since we see families with children of all ages (infants to teenagers!) and the room is small, we knew we needed to optimize the storage. Now with the help of your grant, our Visitation Room feels like a playroom – an area where families have many options for activities to do with their kids and bond.
The items we added were carefully thought through to accommodate the wide ranges of ages we serve. Now, we have a place that is exciting for kids, and they look forward to coming here to visit with their parents!
Until the parents’ houses are ready for us to visit with their kids there, this room serves a great role in providing the families with a place to be together.