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Uniting Families: Madelyn & Braylon

Madelyn & Braylon are thankful for you.

November 13, 2023

At 17 years old, Madelyn discovered she was pregnant with her son Braylon. Not long after giving birth, she lost custody when doctors discovered he had bone fractures they believed were from his father. The abuse led to Braylon being placed with a foster family.

Madelyn was distraught.

She did not have a good support system and quickly became overwhelmed with working to get her son back.

To best help Madelyn navigate all of this, she and Braylon were referred to supervised visitation services at Family & Children’s Place. Our supervised visitation service is a safe place for biological parents to visit with their children and work towards having their family reunited.

These visits started out at our campus and then slowly graduated to being at Madelyn’s home. In-home visitation allowed Madelyn to practice better parenting skills. As these sessions went by, Madelyn was demonstrating healthy parenting skills, leading to Braylon celebrating his first birthday in his mother’s home.

Madelyn graduated from our program in September, is enjoying unsupervised visits with her son and is waiting to get him back full-time at the end of the year. Our staff celebrated this milestone with Madelyn by giving her a box of baby supplies to help her get started on this new journey in life.

With the support of people like you, we can provide these services for others like Madelyn and Braylon. To ensure we will always be available to support them, will you make a gift today?