In the News, Press Releases
Press Conference: Louisville Collaboration to Prevent Child Abuse, Youth and Family Violence
A press conference was held to formally announce this $2 million federal appropriations grant
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – Several local organizations came together to announce new funding and a collaboration to help children and families right here in Louisville Monday.
It’s called the Collaboration to Prevent Child Abuse, Youth and Family Violence. The group includes the Family & Children’s Place, Boys and & Girls Club of Kentuckiana, the Center for Women and Families and the Exploited Children’s Help Organization.
The most recent Child Fatality and Near Fatality Review Panel Meeting and report reviewed 215 total cases of child maltreatment across Kentucky 70 of which happened here in Jefferson County.
”These are not just statistics,” Family & Children’s Place president Pam Darnall said. “These are real children, real lives, who are hurting and who are traumatized, most often by the very people who are supposed to love them and keep them safe.”
The Family and Children’s Place requested the funds from the Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency. Read the full story here.