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Please consider a year-end gift to free children from abuse

December 12, 2017

As the end of the 2017 calendar year approaches, it’s time to round out your charitable contributions for the tax year, and Family & Children’s Place urges you to include the effort to prevent, treat, and end child abuse, violence, neglect, and exploitation in your philanthropic efforts.

Because Family & Children’s Place is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations are tax-deductible. Donors must make their charitable contributions by Dec. 31, 2017 to deduct them from taxes for the current year. And considering conversations about the proposed tax reform legislation, this may well be the last year you will be able to use the benefit.

You may already be a donor and supporter of Family & Children’s Place and know of our proven interventions and services to help heal children and families hurt by abuse. Or you may have heard of us, but care about children and want to give them the best chance possible to have a happy, healthy, and abuse-free life. Or maybe you have never heard of us, which in that case we invite you to visit and tour our facility the first Friday of every month.

See and experience first-hand the transformational change we provide to children hurt by physical or sexual violence or domestic abuse. You will come away a changed, charged person.

That’s why a tax-deductible, year-end donation to Family & Children’s Place is a sound investment in improving our community. Your gift will give a child the chance to live, love, laugh – to be a child again, and what better gift is there than that?