PAL Coalition collects items for the homeless
March 22, 2019
Family & Children’s Place PAL Coalition recently partnered with two local organizations to collect items for the homeless. Rev. Stephan Kirby with Ekklesia Christian Life Ministries and Melanie Hunter with Sidewalk Servants visited the PAL Coalition on March 5, 2019, and spoke to the youth about their organizations and the work they’re doing in the community.
The PAL Coalition youth were tasked with collecting donated goods – socks, hand sanitizer, feminine hygiene and dental hygiene products, blankets, hats, snacks, etc. – and creating care packages for the homeless populations served by Ekklesia Christian Life Ministries and Sidewalk Servants.
“I liked being able to help. I’ve seen homeless people and not known how, but when the speakers from Ekklesia and Sidewalk Servants came to speak to us about the homeless, they gave us ways to be helpful.”
Jasmine, PAL youth
This past week, PAL youth assembled the donated goods into care packages and composed inspirational messages to include in each package. With the help of Family & Children’s Place staff, PAL Coalition board members and volunteers, Lynnhurst United Church of Christ, and The Pinwheel Group, the PAL youth were able to provide enough supplies to assist Ekklesia Christian Life Ministries and Sidewalk Servants for some time.
“It feels good to give back. Not everyone has access to the basic necessities and people deserve those basic things to be comfortable. It felt good to be helpful.”
Fathma, PAL youth
Positive message – “Every day may not be good, but there’s good in everyday.” -
Rep. Joni Jenkins & Darryl Turpin, CEO of The Pinwheel Group -
Inspirational message – “Things take time.” -
Boxes and boxes of donated items -
Inspirational message – “This is the beginning of anything you want.” -
PAL youth share their “joys” and “junk” of the day. -
PAL Coalition youth show off their care packages
Ekklesia Christian Life Ministries utilizes the church as a day shelter for homeless people and their families. The Ekklesia shelter is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and offers food, a community room with a television and games, a clothes closet, a daycare for kids, assistance signing up for social services and a washer and dryer.
Every Friday night, the Sidewalk Servants team provides food and hygiene care packages, clothing, and bedding to the homeless living on the streets of Louisville, Kentucky.