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Only ‘safe’ exchange for children is supervised

October 30, 2015

Responding to violence that often follows online transactions via sites such as Craigslist or, communities are setting up “E-commerce safe exchange zones,” places that provide enhanced safety to buyers and sellers as they exchange items for cash or trade.

Seeing some success, many are also moving to create similar zones for custody exchange of children, a very bad idea we hope doesn’t become a trend.

Custody exchanges of children, especially in cases of divorced or separated parents where there has been domestic violence or child abuse, can be volatile and dangerous. It’s imperative in these cases that precautions – human precautions – be taken.

When a trained supervised visitation professional oversees a custody exchange, they prepare both parties before exchanges begin to understand the safety protocols that have been established to reduce or prevent the risk of violence.  While safe exchange zones may work for merchandise, they never should be used as a safe place to exchange children, especially when safety risks are present.

At our Supervised Visitation Center in southwest Louisville, trained professionals work closely with parents and guardians ahead of, during and after planned visitations. These professionals manage the exchange of each child in a way and through processes that provide absolute protections – for the child, the adults/guardians and the Family & Children’s Place staff.

Nothing is left to chance.

Safe exchange zones are great for iPhones, cars and other web-traded goods, but not so good for a child whose safety is paramount.