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Nurturing Mothers

Reflections from Our Coffee and Tea for Mommy Event

June 11, 2024

On May 9, Family and Children’s Place hosted an intimate gathering called “Coffee and Tea for Mommy,” an event to honor the amazing Greater Louisville Head Start (GLHS) mothers and mother figures who work tirelessly to nurture the future of our community.

The event was attended by six mothers and one grandmother, each of whom brought their own unique stories and experiences to the table. A heartwarming scene of community building, attendees were invited to enjoy a much-needed break to focus on themselves away from their children. The morning was filled with laughter, supportive conversations, and the forming of new friendships.


During the event, the mothers shared their daily challenges, such as the trials of potty training, while exchanging valuable parenting tips. It was a safe space where they could relate to each other and feel understood—a testament to the strength and resilience they embody every day.

One of the highlights of the gathering was a self-esteem workshop led by our dedicated Director of Childhood Services, Rebecca Christian. The workshop emphasized the importance of self-confidence and provided practical resources on self-affirmation and self-care. Rebecca guided the mothers through why it is crucial to take even just 10-15 minutes a day for activities that nurture their well-being, such as journaling or reading.

Each mother left the event with a self-care bag, a small token containing items like bath bombs, hand lotions, journals, and pens, to remind them to take time for themselves. These bags represent our hope and commitment to supporting these incredible women on their journey of motherhood and personal growth.

The impact of the event didn’t end that day. Rebecca shared how the friendships formed at “Coffee and Tea for Mommy” have already begun to flourish. Just last week at a GLHS socialization event, one mother was seen holding another’s child. Others have been keeping in touch through FaceTime, continuing to support each other in their daily lives.

“Coffee and Tea for Mommy” was more than just an event. It was a starting point for deeper connections and a stronger community. At Family & Children’s Place, we are proud to facilitate such meaningful interactions and look forward to hosting more events that empower and uplift the incredible mothers who are at the heart of our community.