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New PAL Center gives young people a hand up with homework, life

September 19, 2016


The PAL Coalition has opened a center at Lynnhurst United Church of Christ offering students evidenced-based curriculum and homework help, advocacy training (led by Kentucky state Rep. Joni Jenkins and PAL Board members) and an open gym.

The center, which opened Monday, Sept. 12, welcomes students from 2:30 to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and by its third day had seen 60 young participants! Among them were a number of English as a Second Language (ESL) students, a goal established in the original PAL grant eight years ago.

On a recent day, 16 students attended – it was a homework and open gym day. Staff gave the students’ time to unwind, eat a snack and then group up and check in. Following one hour of homework help and then open gym, 12 very high-energy male students played a game of Life and put together a Snow White puzzle.

One youth, who had been suspended from school for that week, attends the program every day.

PAL also has two new volunteers – Keith Auspland, a Masters of Social Work Practicum student, and Kiara James, a senior Public Health student.  Both attend the University of Louisville and are lifesavers!

