Meyzeek Middle School, Here We Come!
August 25, 2010
Collaborative After School-Programs (CLASP) will partner Family & Children’s Place with Jefferson County Public Schools to serve Meyzeek Middle School! Many thanks to our friends at Maryhurst who paid us the ultimate compliment and asked Family & Children’s Place to assume the management of this program!
CLASP is an after-school delinquency prevention program which has served students in Jefferson County since 1999. CLASP students, ages 10 to 15 participate in a highly structured, therapeutic, activities-based, social skills enhancement program designed to increase participation in positive activities. CLASP programs aim to significantly reduce risk-taking and aggressive behaviors while decreasing unsupervised and unstructured time for community children, which will ultimately result in success in school.
All participating students attend Meyzeek Middle School or live in the surrounding neighborhoods. CLASP is funded through state and local grants from the Department of Justice, Department of Education and local foundations. The program is free to all children and their families.
Family & Children’s Place is incredibly excited about this opportunity and we look forward to working with students at Meyzeek Middle School!