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Join our Leadership Giving Society today!

The Leadership Giving Society is a giving circle that helps to effect transformational change in the lives of the children and families we serve.  “Our relationship with Family & Children’s Place means a great deal to us.  Being members of the Leadership Giving Society is a good feeling.” – Richard and Janet Rink, Leadership Giving Society Members.

We invite you to invest in significant and sustained support to profoundly impact our children and families.  Members of the Leadership Giving Society pledge to give at least $1,200 a year for five years.

Why $1200? Because that is the average cost for someone to experience our programs for one year!  Your giving will help five people transform their lives and find hope and healing.

Members are invited annually to come together to gain a deeper understanding of our work and meet with our CEO, connect with like-minded individuals, learn from each other, and inspire one another.

Want to learn more about the opportunity to be a change-maker in someone’s life?  Please contact Kristen Millwood, Director of Development, at 855-6125 or