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Kentucky Native Hikes the Appalachian Trail to Benefit Children’s Advocacy Centers

September 24, 2018

A young Kentucky native recently hiked the 2,200 miles of the Appalachian Trail and is now trekking across Kentucky, visiting all fifteen Children’s Advocacy Centers.

Amanda Bess, a Louisville native, recently completed the long journey, from Georgia to Maine, as part of her Hike 4 Hope fundraising campaign. She began her excursion as a way to raise money for two organizations close to her heart – Kentucky Association of Children’s Advocacy Centers and A Kid Again.

Kentucky Association of Children’s Advocacy Centers (KACAC) is a state-wide membership association for Children’s Advocacy Centers in Kentucky. Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) are focused on preventing and treating children who have been sexually or physically abused or experienced other forms of trauma.

Bess surpassed her goal, raising over $14,000, with half going to the KACAC. Bess will visit all 15 CACs in Kentucky, beginning with Family & Children’s Place Kentucky Child Advocacy Center this morning. Bess was inspired to support Kentucky Children’s Advocacy Centers because they help children “find their voice again.”