Kate & Sydney’s Story
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
January 20, 2025
*The name of our client has been changed along with certain details of the case to protect our client’s privacy.
Human Trafficking can happen anytime, anywhere, and at any place. January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and our trained staff at our Child Advocacy Center work to bring healing towards those whom this dangerous, unlawful practice has impacted.
Recently, our CAC staff received referrals from law enforcement and Child Protective Services (CPS) regarding two teenage girls who were trafficked. To protect the identity of the teenagers, we will refer to them as Kate and Sydney.
One day, Kate and Sydney got a ride from a man Sydney had met online, and he decided to take them both back to his house. When speaking with him online, he told Sydney he was 18, but the girls later found out he was actually in his mid-20s.
Later in the evening, the man ended up inviting other male friends to his house to hang-out with the girls. Sydney – who was becoming more aware of the situation she and Kate had found themselves in – had to watch while these men were “doing things” to Kate. After the men performed sexual acts on Kate, they were paid by the man who had picked the girls up and drove them back to the house.
Sydney and Kate were mortified. They ended up being at this man’s house for three days before he dropped them off on the street near Sydney’s house. Once Kate arrived home, she told her parents what had happened to her.
Her parents were distraught at what had happened to their little girl. They took her to the hospital to receive medical attention and it was there that law enforcement was made aware of the situation, which resulted in the girls being referred to our Child Advocacy Center.
While at our CAC, the girls participated in forensic interviews, met with one of our child advocates, and received both medical and mental health services. Additionally, our partner law enforcement agencies were able to collaborate to help ensure Kate and Sydney received the justice they both deserved.
As stated earlier, Human Trafficking can happen to anytime, anywhere, and at any place. During the month of January, we make sure to take the time to highlight this unlawful practice and help raise awareness of it. To learn more about what you can do to educate yourself, please click here.