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July Mental Health First Aid Training

June 12, 2017

The PAL Coalition, an initiative of Family & Children’s Place, is offering a Mental Health First Aid Training for adults.

The course, from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Wednesday, July 19, 2017, will increase participants’ understanding of mental health issues and treatments, connect more people with care, and reduce stigma – helpful information given that many people with mental disorders delay seeking help, but are more open to getting help when encouraged by someone they trust.

Participants will learn the signs and symptoms of different types of mental illnesses, how they can affect a person’s daily life and how they can help when someone is experiencing these challenges. This is important because members of the public are more likely to have contact with someone in a mental health crisis, such as being suicidal, and want to know how to respond.

Cost for each course is $45, and registration and payment are due by July 14. To register, click here. For more information, email