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Jasmine's Story

As we approach Mother’s Day, I am aware this can be a difficult time for many. That used to be the case with Jasmine. Jasmine’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of support and intervention.

Off and on for a decade, Jasmine lived in a relationship with alleged domestic violence and struggled with drug addiction. Her two young children were removed from the home by Child Protective Services, leaving Jasmine distraught and angry. She wanted to get her kids back and she knew she needed help, but she didn’t know who to ask or where to go. Eventually, she was referred to the Family & Children’s Place Supervised Visitation program.

Our staff stressed to her that if she wanted to reunite with her kids, she needed to move away from her existing home environment and prioritize her sobriety. Jasmine’s partner was not willing to make any life changes, but Jasmine was.

Jasmine moved into a recovery home and committed to her sobriety. She has shown great progress in our program, graduating from office to community visits, and is now able to move into the next phase of her housing journey. She also celebrated a major sobriety milestone!

Because of her commitment to herself and her kids, along with our staff guiding her through the reunification process, Jasmine is on track to graduate from our program soon and regain full custody of her children! Jasmine’s story is a testament to the transformative journey that your generosity supports.

This Mother’s Day, I invite you to join us in celebrating Jasmine’s strength and resilience by supporting Family & Children’s Place. Your donation will not only help reunite families but also provide hope and healing to countless others who are on a similar journey.

Thank you for your compassion and commitment to creating brighter futures for families in need.

CEO/President Pam Darnall