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How about using your tax refund to make a difference?

March 8, 2018

Expecting a tax refund this year? Obviously, there are many ways you could spend it – a new cellphone or tech piece, a vacation, even a new car. Or you could invest it. Certainly in a savings account, IRA, or something, but how about investing it in something with an even bigger payout? Children.

Specifically, children whose futures have been thrown into uncertainty, chaos, and conflict by violence, abuse, exploitation, or neglect. Investing in their future – with a gift to Family & Children’s Place – seems the perfect use for all or part of your tax refund.

By donating to Family & Children’s Place, you helping prevent and stop abuse, support children and their families as they escape abuse, and provide counseling and help they need to be happy, healthy, and safe again. With your refund, you can make a real difference in the life of an abused child, and still get a deduction on next year’s tax return.

In a way, you would be doubling down on your 2017 refund.

And every gift matters. Each gift will help provide counseling to an injured child, or art therapy to help a child confront and overcome their trauma. Each gift contributes to a forensic interview or medical exam to determine the facts when child abuse is alleged. It helps pay for personalized training for parents to give them the confidence – and the tools – they need to raise happy, healthy, and safe babies, and give them the best start to life possible.

Every gift saves or changes a life.

So, how will you be spending this year’s tax refund?