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HANDS Staff and Clients Celebrate Graduation

November 5, 2018

Family & Children’s Place staff and client families celebrated with 22 of the 33 children graduating from our fall 2018 HANDS client class.

HANDS is a core program for Family & Children’s Place that provides new parents free in-home visitation by a skilled mentor who teaches them parenting and behavioral skills, and techniques and activities that stimulate development to give their baby the best start possible in life.

The graduation was held at Our Lady of Sorrows on Eastern Parkway with nearly 90 family members in attendance. Fifth Third Insurance/Epic Insurance Solutions sponsored the hour-long ceremony and celebration. Each graduate received a backpack provided by Louisville Free Public Library, each including books, sippy cup, bubbles and Play-Doh.

Congratulations to the new graduates and their families! And thanks to every member of the amazing HANDS team for the wonderful support you give to children and families!