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Give help and hope to kids on Kentucky Gives Day

May 15, 2018

Family & Children’s Place is proud to be included in Kentucky Gives Day, an online 24-hour fundraising event that brings charities and Kentuckians – near and far – together for a powerful day of action.

Each year, the event gives Kentuckians the opportunity to support causes they care about and gives Kentucky’s nonprofits the opportunity to share their amazing stories—all through one giving site and in just 24 hours! This year’s Kentucky Gives Day is May 22, with the giving window from midnight to 11:59 p.m.

Since its launch in 2012, Kentucky Gives Day has raised more than $1.3 million in partnership with participating nonprofits, and we’d love to see that number climb – for Family & Children’s Place – and other agencies doing important and needed work.

So mark your calendar May 22 and get ready to open your wallet and your heart for good!

For information, visit To give to Family & Children’s Place, on May 22, go to