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Give back on #GivingTuesday

November 27, 2016

We’ve all heard that, “It is better to give than to receive,” and Tuesday, Nov. 29, is the day to turn those words into action. #GivingTuesday is a collaborative movement to create a national day of giving and it’s the perfect opportunity to consider the holiday season a time for giving back.

giving_tuesday_logostacked1Consumers’ buying power has the potential to affect serious change in their communities and across the world. A gift to family & Children’s Place, for example, can help prevent and end child abuse, and provide healing therapy and help to children and families who already have been hurt.

This year, give back. By partnering on #GivingTuesday, we can provide the therapy, tools, compassionate help and support to protect and heal children and families from violence, abuse and neglect. Give a gift of transformation – it will make a lifesaving difference for a child.