FSP families celebrate Moving Up, self-sufficiency
October 26, 2016
All of us at Family & Children’s Place are so excited by and so proud to be a part of our clients’ successes. Recently, our Family Stabilization Program (FSP) team celebrated a Moving Up ceremony with five of their client families.
These are the first five client families that have successfully transitioned from uncertain housing to Section 8 Housing – a federal program that helps low-income families, the elderly and disables afford decent, safe and secure housing in the private market.
As they move up, the families graduate from FSP and no longer need the program’s case management services, taking their next steps to true self-sufficiency.
At the Move Up celebration, JT Henderson, vice president of Philanthropy, congratulated each family and spoke of their resilience and determination to create their own successes. Case managers talked a bit about each family and why they had enjoyed working with them.
For example, about Mr. King, Donna Russell said, “He really taught me the importance of family. He was always going to see his family and they were very important to him.”
The support Mr. King had from his family was a vital part of his journey from homelessness to the life he lives now.
Congratulations to all five families and to the Family Stabilization team for this wonderful milestone.