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Former client stays in touch

October 6, 2015

Reports John Taylor, director of Indiana programs for Family & Children’s Place, a former client family stopped by his offices recently to let staff know how they are all doing – the agency continues to be connected with relatives of this family through  services.

One of the children who came in – who previously received service but is now an adult – said she is doing very well and that another younger child still has some struggles but is doing “OK,” according to the mother.

The family moved to Southern Indiana after a natural disaster many years back, and Family & Children’s Place was one of the first providers and agencies to connect with the family, working with them on and off for more than seven years. The family was part of the Child & Family Services and Family & School Services programs and received holiday assistance for many years through the agency’s Building Brighter Holidays assistance program.

“This family became a part of the Family & Children’s Place family, and our services have been able to make a huge impact on them for almost a decade!” said Taylor.