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Family Stabilization Program team recharges in retreat

June 8, 2015

imagejpeg_0Family Stabilization Program team members from Family & Children’s Place recently held their annual retreat to review and celebrate successes and plan for the coming year.

The team, which provides case management for families and people at risk of homelessness, heard from speakers, including JT Henderson, the agency’s vice president of Resource Development, who talked about “knowing your why,” and from Enrica Thomas, program director of the agency’s Kentucky-based behavioral health services, who talked about the challenges of case management.

FSP2 fsp3 FullSizeRenderStaff from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Kentuckiana Works, the Center for Accessible Living and Wellspring also stopped by to share resources to help the team connect clients to employment, as well as resources for physical and mental health challenges.