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Family & Children’s Place Night with the Bats

June 24, 2015

buddy-bat_edited-1Join us Wednesday July 8 for Family & Children’s Place Night at Louisville Slugger Field. It will be a fun night of baseball and the Bats have provided tickets to the agency to sell, with proceeds from those tickets donated to help children and families recover from the trauma of abuse.

Tickets are $10 apiece and you can reserve yours by calling 502-893-3900, ext. 245. Pick up your tickets, will-call style, outside Slugger Field the night of the game.

There will be infield promotions, recognitions and mentions on the electronic scoreboard! We appreciate your support, and look forward to seeing you at Louisville Slugger Field cheering on our Bats against the Indianapolis Indians!

For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact 502-893-3900 x 245.