Every Child Deserves a Head Start
Finding Educational Opportunities for Your Family
August 9, 2024
At Family & Children’s Place, one of the five services we offer is Greater Louisville Head Start. The program helps children up to age five navigate educational opportunities before they enter Kindergarten.
When enrolling children in our Early Head Start program, parents can choose home-based instruction (weekly home visits) or learning center-based programming from birth to age three.
Kevin and his partner had a decision to make when enrolling their two children. Since he is enrolled at JCTC (and recently scored the highest in his class on the MS 900 testing!), both parents decided it was easier to enroll the children in our home-based program.
Parenting toddlers can be challenging. That’s why our Early Head Start program focuses on children ages birth to three. Our goal is to help support parents who want to provide early learning opportunities for their children.
During the weekly home visits, Kevin is in full-on dad mode. He is heavily engaged with his children in the activities they are working on. He asks questions about the material so that when the visit is over, he can continue working with his children to help support their educational development. He does this because he wants to be the best dad possible for his kids.
When we host a Head Start event on our campus or out in the community, Kevin and his family are always there. While preparing for the event or at the event itself, Kevin insists on helping us out in whatever way we need him to. Again, he does all of this while enrolled in school!
Because of people like you, we can provide programs for families like Kevin’s and help them navigate the challenges parents face, especially while raising toddlers. Thank you for all you do to help us create happy, healthy children and families.