Cookout hosts, thanks our wonderful volunteers!
August 29, 2016
On Friday, Aug. 26, Family & Children’s Place hosted our Friends of the Family Cookout in the Family Service Center parking lot of our Fifth and Kentucky streets campus.
We held the cookout to celebrate and thank the hundreds of hardworking volunteers who support the agency through a variety of ways – working with students in our Family & School Services program, collecting clothing and toys for our Brighter Holidays program, painting and cleaning and groundscaping, and a host of other helpful things.
Micah Jorrisch, director of corporate and community partnerships, served as grillmaster, cooking up burgers, hot dogs and other treats, with Pam Darnall and JT Henderson, president and CEO and vice president of Philanthropy, respectively, and others, welcoming guests. Attendees included board members, ambassadors, former ambassadors, volunteers and friends.
Last year, volunteers donated more than 4,500 hours of their time to help the agency protect and heal children and families. That time was worth more than $106,000 and enabled us to use our limited resources to the highest purpose possible – to provide direct service to children and families hurt by abuse.
Thanks to our generous, committed and caring volunteers, and to our amazing staff. We couldn’t do what we do without all of you!