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Cooking Quiche with PAL Youth

May 9, 2019

On April 24, community volunteer Kathy Mathen visited Family & Children’s Place PAL Center prepared with cartons of eggs, fresh and frozen veggies, a variety of breakfast meats and cheese. Lots and lots of cheese!

Kathy is a member of Lynnhurst United Church of Christ, the group that hosts our PAL center, and asked to share a cooking demonstration with PAL youth.

They were going to make QUICHE!

What a great idea, a quiche is a simple dish full of vitamins and protein and is very easy on the wallet.  It is a relatively easy dish to prepare and keeps well. It’s so versatile that quiche can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Kathy purchased pie pans for each student so that everyone was able to create their very own quiche to take home!  They learned how to properly cut vegetables, measure different ingredients and properly crack an egg.

It was a colorful bounty full of deliciousness!

While the quiches were in the oven, Rick Matheny went to work planting Easter tulips for the Church. Rick had some help from our PAL gardeners, who will be working with the Youth Community Agriculture Program at Iroquois Farm this summer!