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Congressman Yarmuth & Dr. Berman Visit Children’s Program

October 8, 2009

Recently, the Children’s Program was honored with the Classroom of Excellence Award from the Kentucky Department of Education.  The preschool classroom at Family & Children’s Place is the only preschool Classroom of Excellence in Jefferson County and the region! 

Congressman John Yarmuth and Dr. Sheldon Berman, JCPS Superintendent, recently visited the Children’s Program in recognition of the Classroom of Excellence Award.  Both Congressman Yarmuth and Dr. Berman toured the facility, sat in on some classroom activities and received gifts from the Children’s Program students. 
Family & Children’s Place partners with Jefferson County Public Schools in order to assure each child has the best chance possible to enter school ready to succeed.  Thank you Congressman Yarmuth and Dr. Berman for visiting and your support of Family & Children’s Place!