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Congratulations, JT Henderson!

June 6, 2016

jtawardCongratulations to JT Henderson, Family & Children’s Place vice president of Philanthropy, for his selection as outstanding graduate student at the Spalding University School of Business. Henderson, who earned his Master of Science in Business Communications, received the School of Business Eileen Egan Award.

It’s the first awarding of the recognition in two years for the school, which recognizes an outstanding graduate student who exemplifies the Spalding University mission statement of meeting the needs of the times.

As demonstrated through the development and actual or potential execution of a course project, the honored student significantly contributes to at least one of the following four areas:

  • their workplace,
  • the community,
  • the literature, or
  • Spalding University.

Only students graduating during the academic year with at least a 3.8 GPA are eligible, and instructors nominate students based on the criteria, providing a brief description of the nature of the project completed in their class and how it represents a contribution to at least one of the four areas.

Nominees are evaluated by the chair and director based on the quality of their projects and the extent to which they have made meaningful contributions to at least one of the four areas.