CLASP staff students ‘Marvel’ at ‘Black Panther’
February 27, 2018
Staff from the Family & School Services team treated students in Meyzeek Middle School’s Collaborative Learning After School Program (CLASP) to a showing of the mega-Marvel hit, “Black Panther,” recently.
In all, 33 students and one parent joined the Family & Children’s Place team on the field trip. Meyzeek Site Supervisor Bobby Cortes said students loved the film and “were dancing in their seats when the beats dropped!
“They were cheering for Black Panther and some were even sad when the villain died (some of our girls said he was too cute to die).”
Students gave the movie a standing ovation once the credits rolled and “they all had smiles on their faces – a beautiful sight to see.”
The show also included a warm and fuzzy – a student dropped his popcorn, and a stranger gave him some money to replace the ruined treat.
“When I returned with the student, he (the stranger) thanked me for what we were doing for the youth that we serve,” said Bobby.
It’s always nice to be appreciated, and we all appreciate everything Bobby and his FSS teammates – and everyone at F&CP – do for the children we serve!