Case Manager Jessica Rogers helps client find safe, stable housing
August 3, 2016
Amanda Carson was referred to the Homeless Prevention Pilot project by the Kentucky Correctional Institute for Women (KCIW). Incarcerated for a drug charge, she lost everything when she went to prison.
Jessica Rogers, a Family Stabilization Program case manager for Family & Children’s Place, started meeting with Carson while she was KCIW to help her set goals for her release.
Carson was released to the Successful Living Transitional Housing Program, where she lived for a few weeks before she left the program following a conflict with her roommate. Carson spent a few days with friends, but was forced to sleep in the open under a bridge until Rogers could connect her with the Rapid Rehousing program.
Carson is safely and stably housed in her own apartment and is working in food service at a local hospital, and hopes to reunite with her teenage daughter next month.