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Brown-Forman, Genscape, Net Impact Louisville volunteers give a day, make a difference

April 23, 2018

During Give a Day Mayor’s Week of Service, April 14-22, individuals, groups and corporations volunteer hundreds of hours to help nonprofits throughout Louisville. Activities can include anything from donation collections, campus beautification projects, giving blood or food, etc.

On Friday, April 20, volunteers from Brown-Forman, Genscape, and Net Impact Louisville joined forces to help clean up the Family & Children’s Place campus by weeding, mulching, trash collection, and working with Louisville Grows to plant five new trees around the Kosair Charities Child Advocacy Center.

Family & Children’s Place Ambassadors, young professionals who have committed to a year of volunteer service to the agency through outreach, fundraising, and networking, led efforts. Students from the Collaborative Learning After School Program (CLASP), an F&CP activity at Meyzeek Middle School, also joined volunteers.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer stopped by for a quick tour of our best in class facility and to thank the volunteers for their time and dedication. Emmie, our facility dog-in-training, greeted Mayor Fischer with a warm handshake.

National Volunteer Month coincides with a very important month for us – Child Abuse Prevention Month. We rely on volunteers to help with a variety of tasks so we can continue to focus on the work and services we provide to the community.

In honor of National Volunteer Month and Give a Day Mayor’s Week of Service, we’d like to thank all the volunteers that donated their afternoon this past Friday. With the generous support of volunteers from businesses such as Brown-Forman, Genscape, and Net Impact Louisville, we can continue to provide our much-needed services to the community.

We couldn’t provide the services we do without friends like this.

For more information about volunteer opportunities with Family & Children’s Place, contact Janet Tinsley at or 502-893-3900 x 265.