Report Abuse
To report abuse, please call 1.800.752.6200 (KY) or 1.800.800.5556 (IN).


Be a voice for abused kids; wear blue Friday!

April 6, 2015

On Friday, April 10, we at Family & Children’s Place encourage everyone to wear blue to show their commitment to keeping children safe from violence and abuse.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time stand up for kids, so consider inviting your friends, family, co-workers and others to join you to wear blue. If you wish, take it a step further and collect a donation — $1 or $5 – from everyone who agrees to wear blue and gift it to Family & Children’s Place or another agency working to stop and prevent violence and abuse and promote healing.

Every dollar makes a difference in a child’s life.

The wear blue idea began in 1989 when a grandmother in Virginia started a blue ribbon campaign as a tribute to her grandson. The three-year-old died at the hands of his mother’s abusive boyfriend. Since then, the movement has grown to a nationwide observance for all children hurt by violence and abuse.

So wear blue to work, to school, to work out – whatever you do and wherever you go, wear blue to show you’re personal commitment to preventing and ending child abuse.