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Ask Congress to support home visiting for families

March 26, 2015

The federal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program provides funding for state home visiting programs like the Family & Children’s Place HANDS (Health Access Nurturing Development Services) program. Funding for the program expires on March 31 and reauthorization is important to maintain F&CP and similar services across Kentucky.

Kentucky families, especially first-time parents, need this type of support, as do their children. The HANDS program served more than 8,000 families in Kentucky last year. Evaluations on HANDS report that participants experienced healthier pregnancies, reported fewer developmental delays in children, doubled rates of parent employment, and saw a 26 percent improvement in education. You can find out more about the Kentucky HANDS program here.

It is important for your elected officials to hear strong support for a multi-year reauthorization of the MIECHV Program. Email your senators and representative today. Follow this link to an action alert from our partner at Kentucky’s Voice for Early Childhood to easily send your message.