Arbonne Charitable Foundation grants $2,000 to Family & Children’s Place
November 24, 2015
Award will provide after-school help and support for at-risk young people, Meyzeek students
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Nov. 24, 2015) – The Arbonne Charitable Foundation has awarded $2,000 to Family & Children’s Place to help at-risk young people and students living in the 7th Street corridor and enrolled in the agency’s Family & School Services (FASS) programs at Meyzeek Middle School.
The foundation is the charitable side of Arbonne International LLC, which creates personal skincare and wellness products. The grant would not have been possible without the support of Arbonne representatives Dominique Hendren and Brigitta Hendren, said JT Henderson, vice president of Development for the agency, which protects and heals children and families from the trauma of violence, abuse and neglect.
“Dominique and Brigitta have supported us individually and through this grant have helped provide even greater resources to their commitment to help children succeed in spite of their pasts,” said Henderson. “With this, we can give students tools, training and resources they can use to avoid and escape the alcohol and substance abuse, as well as the crime and violence so prevalent in their neighborhoods.”
The grant will aid young people in the 7th Street corridor through the work of the PAL Coalition, a collaborative working to reduce substance abuse in the Park Hill, Algonquin and Old Louisville neighborhoods. PAL teaches prevention, provides healthy alternatives and works to bridge gaps between community school and home life.
Surveys over the past several years prove the program’s effectiveness, demonstrating annual decreases in the use and abuse of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana in PAL-served communities.
Through FASS, Family & Children’s Place staff works with students to help develop positive values, social competencies and positive identities. The programs, which follow school hours, include activities such as homework help, life skills development, enrichment activities and service learning projects.
Students learn ways to manage anger, to avoid alcohol and drugs, how to improve peer relationships, reduce risk-taking behaviors and to make positive choices. These collaborations increase chances for success and partners include Jefferson County Public Schools, Metro United Way, Society for Prevention of Aggressiveness and Violence Among Adolescents (SPAVA), Peace Education, Junior Achievement, Blue Apple Players and the University of Louisville.
In the last year, 83 percent of students improved scores in reading, math and science, more parents engaged in school and at home with their children and 87 percent missed fewer than 10 days of school, a significant improvement over previous years.
Family & Children’s Place works to protect Kentuckiana children, families and communities from abuse, neglect and exploitation and, through research-based, trauma-informed services, help them heal. The organization has supported families for more than 127 years and today serves approximately 5,000 children and families annually. For more information about Family and Children’s Place, visit or call 502-893-3900.