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Allie Jorrisch – July Ambassador of the month

August 6, 2015

This is one in a series of question and answer sessions with Family & Children’s Place Ambassadors, young business and community leaders helping build support for and awareness of the agency and its work.

AJorrischQUESTION:   Why did you get involved as an Ambassador with FCP?
ANSWER: I had been looking for a local nonprofit to get involved with and knew how passionate my brother was about his job and F&CP. I attended a monthly lunch and learn and was extremely impressed with the purpose, mission, facilities and employees of F&CP. I knew right away this was an organization I wanted to be part of. F&CP provides such a unique and important service to the Louisville area and I couldn’t be more proud to represent such a wonderful organization.

Q:  What’s your day job?
A: I am an account representative at Tri-Arrows Aluminum, where we manufacture rolled can sheet for beverage cans. I keep the customers happy!

Q:  What person do you consider your greatest influencer in terms of your own personal values?
A: My grandfather. He is the most kind, caring & strong person I know.

Q:  What do you hope to achieve by 50?
A: I would love to open my own business in Louisville, a gathering place for locals and tourists to relax and enjoy delicious beer, food and live music.

Q:  What does a perfect day look like for you?
A: 80 degrees and sunny! Sleep in until 9 a.m., and take a long walk with my dogs. My afternoon would be spent biking around NuLu, hanging out with friends and family and stopping frequently for tasty treats and refreshing beers. I would like to end my day with cooking dinner and relaxing on the porch.

Q:  When you were little, what did you want to be?
A: A veterinarian.