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A tearful thank you to Kosair Charities

January 19, 2017

A message from President and CEO Pam Darnall:

In December, I was reminded of the powerful truth of Bruce Springsteen’s song, “From small things (big things one day come).”

December is an especially busy time for nonprofits, including Family & Children’s Place. In addition to our end of year fundraising push, juggling appointments to make sure our clients get the best and most enduring attention and care possible, we were buried – quite literally – by the generosity of donors sponsoring children through our Brighter Holidays program.

Our lobby, boardroom and meeting rooms looked like a Toys R Us franchise.

We were all crazy busy, but when we received an invitation to a lunch hosted by Kosair Charities, there was no question we would happily accept. Kosair is a mainstay supporter of Family & Children’s Place.

From the capital campaign for our new campus and namesake Kosair Charities Child Advocacy Center, to support for our annual Rally to End Child Abuse and Child Prevention Breakfast, Kosair Charities is a constant, committed partner and friend. We were delighted to be among the 50 or so represented agencies at this very special holiday luncheon.

And surprised to receive, along with others, a red gift-wrapped box that when opened reminded me of Springsteen’s lyrics. Nestled in the box was a check. Tears immediately filled my eyes when I saw the very generous gift from Kosair. I was overcome with emotion and gratitude. Every agency received a check that day that will help make life better for children in our community.

I’ve never seen a more selfless demonstration of love for and commitment to children. Ever.

I want to thank Kosair Charities – especially President Randy Coe and Board Chair Jerry Ward – for this gift, which will give help and hope to children who have known only hurt and hopelessness. Your leadership, compassion, and heart for children inspire us all – as Springsteen might say, “like a boss!”

Thank you.