Family and Children's Place logo
Report Abuse
To report abuse, please call 1.800.752.6200 (KY) or 1.800.800.5556 (IN).

Raising hope.

5,000 children and families served annually.

Taking care of families in a community that’s always taken care of us.

Family & Children’s Place provides resources, support and solutions to help families prevent and stop child abuse and neglect, and to heal those impacted, by empowering parents and the community to create safe, nurturing environments for children.

  • About Us

    Protecting kids isn’t just an important thing. It’s the only thing.

    Our child advocacy centers are front-line responders to suspected abuse and neglect. We also coordinate the efforts of child-protection staff, law enforcement, and healthcare professionals.

  • Our Services

    All the things kids hope for. All under one roof.

    As important as dealing with abuse is, we also work to prevent it. Beginning with programs that help parents raise healthy babies, we aim to give kids a hopeful tomorrow.

Get involved

You can help us help.

Family & Children’s Place offers multiple ways to help our families, including making a financial donation, organizing a drive for our most-needed items, and volunteering your time.

  • Featured Story

    We Help Children Like Molly.

    Molly’s home life was full of turmoil. While she was a happy child, Molly always felt like she had to tiptoe around her home, rarely feeling safe.

  • Newsletter

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    Our newsletter will keep you up to date about news and special events at Family & Children’s Place.