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Blog, Press Releases

2025 Rally to End Child Abuse

March 21, 2025

“Every child in Kentucky deserves to grow up free from abuse and neglect,” – Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Jacqueline Coleman. We couldn’t agree with her more.

On Thursday, March 20, 2025, we hosted our annual Rally to End Child Abuse. According to the recent Child Maltreatment Report, Kentucky ranks 4th and Indiana ranks 14th in rate of child maltreatment.

Now more than ever, children and families in our community need us. Raising a family can be challenging, exhausting, difficult, and so much more. At FCP, we believe strong families build thriving communities. That’s why we invest in families, equipping them with the support, tools, and encouragement they need to heal, grow, and succeed.

We are also grateful for our partners at the federal, state and local levels.

This legislative session, Kentucky State Senator Julie Raque Adams sponsored – and was later signed into law by Governor Andy Beshear – a bill regarding “sextortion.” She also discussed her ability to secure the proper funding for the endless work the staff at our Child Advocacy Center each and every day. A tireless champion for Kentucky’s children, we are always grateful for the support we receive from her.

“Children need to have a feeling of safety in our community,” Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg.

At the local level, Mayor Craig Greenberg has been a great supporter of FCP. His grant through The American Rescue Plan allowed for our HANDS program to hold baby showers for over 200 families in the community. What the recent Child Maltreatment Report showed us is that most victims of abuse and neglect in Kentucky fall under the age of four. If we can meet families where they are before the child is born, our hope is we will be able to help prevent any form of abuse and neglect from happening.

We are grateful to all who spoke at our rally. This year, we heard from the following speakers:

  • Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Jacqueline Coleman
  • Congressman Morgan McGarvey (KY-03)
  • Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg
  • Kentucky State Senator Julie Raque Adams
  • Kentucky State Representative Ken Fleming
  • Dr. Lisa Lee Williams, Chief of Staff to KY CHFS Secretary Eric Friedlander
  • Jefferson County Commonwealth’s Attorney Gerina Whethers
  • Dr. Jerry Rabalais from Kosair for Kids
  • Kentucky Youth Advocates Executive Director Dr. Terry Brooks
  • Children’s Advocacy Centers of Kentucky CEO Caroline Ruschell

Each speaker and the organization or elected office they represent have long been champions for the work FCP does for the children and families in the community. Without their support and partnership, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

We are extremely grateful to all who attended the event, and we look forward to what the next year has in store as we continue to create happy, healthy children and families free from abuse.

Rally coverage can be found from WDRB, WHAS, Spectrum News and News and Tribune.